intellectual development

Bihemispheric Russian

This is the diamond of our ecosystem - what we are most proud of. For this course, it is worth moving to Dubai.

The Unicorn ecosystem is a one-of-a-kind bilingual course in the most difficult language in the world - Russian. We’ll try to make it so that it becomes loved and truly dear to your child, opens up to him with new facets, gives new opportunities and the incredible power of the skills and abilities of an educated person.

Our course will help those families who want to:
- arouse interest in the Russian language or preserve it among children living in a limited Russian-speaking environment;
- Their children communicate more in Russian, strive to study it;
- help your child prepare for the beginning of school life, properly and effectively motivate the child to study;
- Timely and correctly prevent the occurrence of barriers in reading and writing or remove these barriers;
- To make the child's speech more free, and the vocabulary wider;
- To develop a child's spelling intuition and spelling vigilance, to help master literate writing;
- develop a child's memory; increase the efficiency of memorizing educational material;
- take advantage of the "bihemispheric" approach to learning.

Our course includes motivational technologies, methods for launching "anti-stress systems", innovative techniques for teaching literacy in bilingual conditions, the author's technology "Transformation of figurative space", methods for releasing a child's speech resource based on Russian speech and the formation of non-stereotypical, creative speech behavior. We use alternative ways of mastering literate writing, developing spelling intuition and grammatical thinking.

This course is aimed at both children and parents. Yes, the names of the methods are not the simplest, but, believe me, education does not prevent the child from enjoying childhood, and for schoolchildren, thanks to them, study does not turn into punishment.
Eva Stark
from 1,5 to 12
Book club in a suitcase
This is another reason for our pride. In this course, we have collected all the parent requests in the field of books and children's reading.

Teaching children to read? Yes.

Read classics and contemporary authors with them? Yes.

Discuss what you've read? Yes.

Take your favorite book home? And this is also.

Meet an author or a children's reading specialist? No problem.

In addition, we will help your children to realize themselves through the word - the future best-selling author will write his first book with us.

Reading is not only the ability to add words from letters. While reading, the child learns to understand the meaning of what is written, learns new things, compares it with his own life experience, learns empathy, worrying about his favorite characters.

Both reading and writing are very therapeutic. The plots of different stories help us tell children about universal values. The texts that we write ourselves help us cope with experiences. Trying to compose, the child learns to invent, fantasize, and convey his thoughts and emotions.

Your kids will love to read. Books that have become our friends remain friends forever.
Eva Stark
from 1,5 to 12
Logic puzzles/Practical mathematics
Yes, we are also friends with mathematics and make it not only useful, but also interesting. Learning logic can be like a detective series. With us, it will be so exciting that you will discuss with the whole family at dinner how to get the wolf, goat and cabbage across the river without harming the goat and cabbage.

Our course is designed as a universal simulator, in which there is a place for both a game and a fairy tale. While studying, the child improves reading and counting skills, develops speech and imagination, and learns to listen, understand, reason, draw, and solve simple problems.

It will be easy and pleasant for him to study with us, because mathematical problems are hidden in fairy tales. These fairy tales are kind, funny and were written especially for our young mathematicians. Among these tasks, there are those that are built on unexpected associations, some require quick wits; there are exercises for the smallest.

Our fairy-tale puzzles help develop different types of children's thinking, awaken imagination and fantasy, and teach them to work with analogy. And they also teach the child to look and see, listen and hear the world in which he was lucky enough to live.

In this course, we have included many topics from the elementary school curriculum and in the classroom we present them to children in an unexpected perspective, through artistic overtones and metaphor.

The seventeen main topics of the elementary school mathematics program have turned into funny, witty poems and unusual drawings, full of fantasy and humor. This presentation of information helps children to easily learn and remember mathematical concepts. Quick and easy fixing of the theory is facilitated by practical tasks in poetic form.
Eva Stark
from 1,5 to 12
English for bilinguals
Your child speaks two languages ​​from childhood, and you would like him to develop in both directions: think, speak, write and feel free in the language environment. We know how to teach such children both Russian and English.

By developing a child's bilingual abilities, you open the way for him to more easily learn other foreign languages. If we talk about English, then it will be easier for him to learn all the other languages ​​​​of the Romano-Germanic group: French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese ... By and large, you open the whole world to your child.

Bilingual children have well-developed memory, ability to multitask (another useful skill for adulthood), they better absorb any educational material, not only linguistic. They have better developed communication skills, and the problem of "linguistic barrier" is unlikely to be known to them.

And, perhaps most importantly, in the Unicorn ecosystem for bilingual children, we created such conditions that each of the two languages ​​would be “working” for him and used to the full.
Eva Stark
from 1,5 to 12
In continuation of our logical and mathematical theme, we have developed a course on teaching chess. This is a real gymnastics for the mind, which will not be superfluous at any age. You're just playing chess with a child, and your brain is building new neural connections, isn't it great? In addition, you gain a joint emotional experience and can consider yourself to be real intellectuals.

Chess prepares a child for adulthood. They teach to "look a couple of steps ahead" - to calculate the consequences of their actions, to be responsible for the decisions made, to adequately respond to defeats. Chess creates such “success situations” that all children need, and this is not only a won game, but also a coup or a combination of them. During a chess game, a child learns to concentrate on solving a problem, mobilizes his knowledge in a difficult situation, controls his emotions, and trains his memory.

A chess course is part of our concept of “bihemispheric” learning, as the game develops both hemispheres of the brain
Eva Stark
from 1,5 to 12
Russian afterschool program
Вы устали искать идеальные кружки для своего ребёнка?
❓ Вы ездите по всему городу и не всегда успеваете туда куда хотели?
❓ Вы все ещё не нашли супер педагога по русскому или шахматам?
❓ Вам нашли что-то одно, но комплексно не закрыли потребности?

Мы так же искали и пробовали и возили.

«Лучше взять и изобрести завтрашний день, чем переживать о том, что вчерашний был так себе.» Стив Джобс

Так мы и построили наш центр. Собрали лучших специалистов для наших детей. Методики, учебники, пространство, еду, игры. Команду единорогов.
Вот так появился наш центр и «волшебная продлёнка».

«Волшебная продлёнка»
Для детей возрастом от 5-и до 12-и лет.

✔️ Игры и прогулки после школы
Наш Клуб расположен в прогулочной зоне канала Дубай Марина. Это прекрасное и безопасное место, с легким морским бризом в тени от суеты и дорожного движения.
Для самых маленьких у нас есть площадка и зоны отдыха. Ребятам постарше тоже есть, где поиграть! Мы следим за качеством воздуха и при неблагоприятных условиях будем организовывать игры и отдых в помещении с фильтрацией воздуха.

✔️ Горячее питание.
Мы организовали для детей вкусный, полезный обед и полдник, чтобы дети набирались сил и получали все необходимое для своего развития

✔️ Дополнительные развивающие занятия.
После обеда, отдыха и прогулки мы предложим вашим детям не только поиграть, но и заняться чем-то интересным и полезным.
В стоимость «волшебной продленки» входит базовый комплекс занятия из трёх наших блоков:
• Интеллектуальное развитие;
• Творческое развитие;
• Физическое развитие.

✔️ Комфорт и безопасность.
В группе не более 8 человек.
Это оптимальное количество для качественного обучения, игры, развития.
Индивидуальный подход, занятия в удовольствие, психологический комфорт- это самое важное для любого человека, а тем более ребенка!

✔️ Адаптация
Это наше ноу-хау. Это комплекс занятий, игр, мероприятий предназначенных для того, чтобы мягко, комфортно адаптировать ребёнка. Все наши педагоги, методики и занятия про детей. Про их интерес и развитие. Про снятие блоков, страхов про счастье, дружбу и поддержку. Программа продумана совместно с психологами, мамами, педагогами и детьми. Для того, чтобы ребёнок гармонично развивался. Чтобы вовремя снимать стресс от учебы, переездов от новых знаний, людей. Чтобы развивать не во вред, а создавать здоровое настроение и мотивацию к знаниям и развитию. Наши дети легче справляются со стрессом, быстрее адаптируются, учатся.

✔️ Индивидуальный подход
Один из принципов нашего центра - возможность самостоятельно составить программу. Помимо базовой продлёнки вы всегда можете выбрать дополнительные занятия исходя из своих потребностей, возможностей и интересов.
В волшебную продленку входит наш базовый комплекс к нему Вы всегда можете добавить любое занятие на ваш вкус из наших курсов.
Дополнительный Английский язык, балет, джиу-джитсу, логика, шахматы, художественная студия, эксперименты, красивое письмо и техника чтения, литературный клуб - ребенок может выбрать любое количество интересных ему направлений.

✔️ Гибкий график
Время - деньги. Мы вам их очень сильно сэкономим. Вы сможете скомпоновать расписание в индивидуальном порядке и спокойно выпить кофе у нас в кафе.
Eva Stark
from 1,5 to 12
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